Facebook and Instagram test the "nuisance mode" feature


  Facebook and Ingestram Test Feature
FaceBook and Instagram Test the "nuisance mode" feature
The seventh day of the newspaper reports news from Facebook and Ingestam testing the "nuisance mode".

A new report revealed that Facebook and Instagram are testing the Do Not Disturb feature, which means users will soon have more control over when to receive notifications. The "Do not disturb" feature allows users to stop notifications Requests for 30 minutes, an hour, two hours, eight hours or a day, or until they are returned to manual control.

  Dc06XN0VQAARFO6-1 "src =" https://www.alwast.net/content/uploads/2018/07/03/e234cf0643.jpg "title =" Dc06XN0VQAARFO6-1 "/> </p>
<p>  According to the website techcrunch , a number of users have noticed this feature on their Facebook app version, where a new button has been shown allowing them to enable or even disable the feature for a particular amount of time, and Facebook users will be able to turn off the sound and vibration As announced by Google and Apple, providing operating systems will have the option of "do not disturb" for users. </p>
<p><img alt=

It is reported that & # 39; in May In fact, the head of Instagram revealed that he was working on usage statistics, saying that he was adding tools to help the Users know the time they spend on Instagram. InStagram has also announced the "You All Caught Up" feature that helps users track all publications. They will see a message that the user has read all the previous messages.

  Instagram-No-Disturb "src =" https://www.alwast.net/content/uploads/2018/07/03/b72dc5cad4.jpg "title =" Instagram-Do-No-Disturb "/ > </p>
<p> Please, if you like Facebook and InStagram, try the "Do not disturb" feature on social networking sites.You can also follow all the news via Facebook and Twitter </p>
<p>  Source: <span clbad= 19659013]

  Nagem Munir

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