Fears of serious repercussions for a decreasing interest in the fight against "HIV"


Saqr News, citing the BBC Arab We fear serious repercussions on the decline of interest in the fight against HIV, fear of serious repercussions on the fight against HIV We publish our visitors News News Today 39 through our website Saqr With the news,

Saqr News A recent report warns of the serious repercussions of lack of additional funds available to support the fight against the spread of HIV.

The experts said that the survival of the funding level as years ago could lead to the spread of the disease again.

They warned in the report, published in the Lancet, that the world might not attend the end of the epidemic by 2030, a target agreed upon by member states of the world. UN.

Experts have called for the need to change the way the virus is treated and controlled.

The number of people infected with HIV / AIDS has dropped to 37 million, and the number of new infections is estimated at 1.8 million per year.

The number of injured has decreased recently.

The Lancet Coalition said the drop in the number of casualties was going too slowly to achieve the UN's goal of reducing the number of new infections to 500,000 a year.

Although the number of HIV is generally decreasing, there is still an increase in the rate of infection among marginalized groups, young people – especially women – and in developing countries and other groups that have difficulties in accessing treatment. Initiative

The funding rate for the fight against the virus has fallen to £ 14.7 billion, about $ 5.4 billion less than the control efforts required to achieve the goals of the UN. "Despite remarkable progress in the fight against the virus, this impbade has suffered a stalemate over the last 10 years," said Linda Gael Becker, president of the International Society Against AIDS and professor at the University of Toronto. University of Cape Town in South Africa.

"There is a need to revitalize work in this area because the health and well-being of millions of people depend on this challenge."

The Lancet Commission also called for more collaboration among health workers to work to control the deadly virus in their specialty.

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Source: BBC Arabic BBC

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