Federer leaves Wimbledon in quarterfinals after Anderson uprising


Roger Federer's dream of winning the ninth Wimbledon title was lost after losing two sets to lose to South Africa Kevin Anderson 2-6, 6-7, 7-5, 6- 4 and 13-11 after an exciting uprising on Wednesday.

Anderson looked miserable after a delay in the first two sets of Federer's first game since the main stadium since 2015, but shocked everyone with a staggering uprising, making the biggest surprise of the tournament [19659003]. He is trying to become the first South African player to reach the semifinals at Wimbledon since Kevin Corinne in 1983.

Anderson will meet "The 32-year-old American, who has reached the final of the US Open with Milos Runic or John Esner in the semifinals, said: "After two sets of delays, I did my best to keep beating myself. "

" Winning Federer at Wimbledon will remain in my memory.

A Missed Opportunity

This is the second time that Federer lost to Wimbledon after a two-group lead where he suffered the same fate against Jo-Wilfried Tsonga in the quarter-finals of 2011. [19659002FedererTheGrandSlam"wasnotthebestofmydays"

He refused to blame the loss of playing in stadium number 1.

"I do not think it has anything to do with honesty.

And Anderson, eighth seeded , saved a point in the 10th game of the third set and increased his confidence in the first favorite Federer, who was in a state of tension although he finished the first set in 26 minutes.

Double when the Scoring was 11-11 to give Anderson a chance to break the show and take advantage of the opportunity when the reigning champion hit a long shot.

Anderson caught the win when he sent a powerful shot at the first point of the decisive d, s, id) {
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