Ferguson speaks for the first time after his health problem


The sunrise

Published on:
Thursday, July 26, 2018 – 6:15 pm
| Last update:
Thursday, July 26, 2018 – 18:21

Sir Alex Ferguson, the legend of the training, first spoke to him after suffering from a health condition in May to thank all who had taken care of him and went on to busy with his health during the last period

. After a sudden cerebral hemorrhage last May, the doctors had to undergo an urgent operation.

Sir Alex Ferguson, former director of Manchester United, thanked the medical staff at Macclesfield Hospital and Salford Royal for the great effort for his care during his illness until

Ferguson, 76 , in a short video broadcast on Manchester United's Twitter account for online social networks on Thursday, thanked those who had taken care of him at the hospital and promised to return to see the team next season . "First, I want to thank the medical staff at Macclesfield and the Salford Royal Hospital," said Ferguson. "Believe me, without those people who have given me so much care, I would not be here today, on my behalf and on behalf of my family, thank you very much. Ferguson

explained: "That made me feel extreme pain Tnan.

Alex Ferguson finished his words: "Finally, I'll be back later in the season to see the team (Manchester United). At the same time, I wish you all the best.

Ferguson is remained several days in the intensive care unit of the hospital after undergoing emergency surgery on May 5 and underwent home treatment after being allowed to leave the hospital

Manchester United wins the English Premier League title 13 times in 27 Leading the team to two wins in the Champions League and a win in the European Cup Winners Cup before retiring in 2013.

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