FilGoal | Ahli News reveals the stages of the return of the masses to attend games in all games


How does Ahli react to the request of his fans to attend every game to support him? Mohamed Morgan, executive director of Red Fort, tells


Morjan said he met with the president of the Football Federation, Hani Abu Reda, and his deputy, Ahmed Shubair, in which the tripartite agreed on cooperation between Ahli and the Football Federation to provide all necessary guarantees and procedures for facilitate public participation, including through a database and electronic ticket distribution system.

At the same time, Morjan revealed that Al-Amri Farouk, Vice President of Al-Ahly, had met with security officials, accompanied by Khaled Al-Durandli, a board member. administration to facilitate public participation procedures before certain events give rise to a review of the decision. .

Morjan asked fans to help Ahli's administration considering the needs of the team for their fans.


Morjan said the handball federation had decided to attend its matches through the membership card holders, which are applied to all clubs without exception and anyone who violates the same provisions to sanctions imposed by l & # 39; Union.


Murad revealed that Al Ahly had received a letter from the Basketball Association announcing the establishment of all matches without the presence of the public.


Morjan said that Al-Ahli had received a letter from the volleyball Federation authorizing the entrance of the mbades with the club holding the landowner responsible for insurance and regulation.

Do you intend to violate any of these decisions?

Morjan replied that Al-Ahly is part of the sports system and operates in accordance with the legislation of the various sports federations and holds both the interest of the state and its mbades.

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