FilGoal | Ahli News: We are waiting to determine the date of arrival of the Canton in Cairo


Al Ahly's manager, Samir Adli, confirmed that he was awaiting the arrival of the Tunisian team to qualify for the CAF Champions League

Al Ahly will play next Tuesday at the Township in the third round of the African Champions League at the Borg El Arab stadium in Alexandria. [IlestsupposéquelamissionducantonenEgypte48heuresavantlematchselonlescontactspréliminairesentrelespartiesAl-Ahlyaexpliquéqu'Al-Ahliestprêtàrecevoirlamissionducantonetàsurmonterlessanctionsquipeuventleurêtreimposéessoulignantqu'ilexisteunecoopérationcontinueentrelesdeuxpartiespourfournirtouteslescommoditésenattendantlarépétitiondeleurparticipationauquatrièmetour

Samir Adly wanted to call the & # 39; Embbady & # 39; South Africa to Botswana to organize the trip & # 39; Ahli to face the canton the fourth group tour scheduled on July 28th.

Adly said: "The lack of diplomatic representation of Egypt in Botswana pushes us to With the southern embbady Al Ahli negatively denied the first game of the group stage with the L & # 39; Esperance Tunisia and lost the second confrontation against the city of Kampala Uganda 2 No response.

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