FilGoal | News A counterattack of Rome? The wolves return to the picture and prepare to snatch Malcolm from Barcelona


After the brutal transfer of Malcolm from Bordeaux to Bordeaux last night despite the official announcement of his club following the entry of Barcelona on the line, the Italian club returns this morning in a new attempt to Abduction of the young wing

Bordeaux has already announced the transfer of the player to Rome, in a contract that was to extinguish for 36 million euros (see details).

While everyone was waiting for Malcolm's arrival last night in Rome to sign his contract with the Wolf Club, Barcelona goes online and makes a presentation in Bordeaux. 41 million euros, to decide on the management of the French club to prevent the player from the Saf

See the full story from here

But Rome does not. has not raised the white flag, and returns this morning to sit on the table with a new offer of 40 million euros, and the management of the Metropolitan Club optimistic about its position by site

Ramon Rodriguez "Monchi" The sports director of Rome does not intend to give up the player's agreement easily, especially after the record levels of last season, who participated in 38 games, scoring 12 goals and made 8 more.

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