FilGoal | News Report: Paris St Germain reaches an agreement with Kanti


The French sports daily Le Parisien reports that the agreement was signed with the player, [271] Kanty, 27, was born in Paris, where his family currently lives, and perhaps the extra bit of which needs the French Ligue 1 champion to play in the Champions League, the tournament that the team has not managed to achieve since the financial revolution that took place with the retirement of the Italian Thiago Motta, the insistence of Paris Saint-Germain on a great player will increase, and Kanti could be the desired player, especially after his impressive levels with Leicester City and Chelsea, before achieving his most important feat.

The difficulties faced by Paris to conclude the deal are worthwhile, as Chelsea will not give him less than 110 million euros, and with the crisis rules own financial toys chasing Paris, his administration will have to give up to a few players to balance payments and returns, Angel de Maria, Alfonso Ariola, uncle

Chelsea will not play in the Champions League next season, which could be an additional reason for the departure of Kanti, but the club London will not tolerate the loss of several stars in a summer with rumors with Belgian goalkeeper Tippo [1969002] Kanti has a contract with Chelsea until 2021, with a total of 89 appearances, scoring 3 goals, making 3 more and contributing to the English Premier League and FA Cup.

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