Finally, "Watsab" moves after the crime of New Delhi


Finally, "Watsab" moves after the crime of New Delhi, according to the Nile, the site of Al Wasat reports you. Act and move, after a growing criticism after the crime of New Delhi.

There have been many critics of Watsab, because of a larger murder in New Delhi, because of the spread of "false news" and bbadities.

"Watsab", according to the newspaper "Injadjit", asked the outside help of any technical specialist to find a way to stop the spread of "false news" and rumors through its application.

and indicated that it would award grants of up to $ 50,000 to any researcher to research how to prevent the dissemination of misleading information by Watsab.

He identified several sections of the study, including information about elections, live or electronic viruses, and other types of news.

But Watsab is also looking at how to disable it without scanning the content, to preserve the privacy of its users, which it uses in its famous end-to-end encryption technology.

Al-Wasat Journal

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Source: Nilin

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