Find out about Yemen Airways flights today


Sana – A – By Ahmed Abu Al Yazid – We are releasing flights to Yemen on Saturday July 21, 2018 .. It is as follows:

Flight Number 607.

Flight Line: [19659002] Cairo – Sioun – Socotra.

Departure: 02h00

(Cairo time)

Arrival: 06:30 AM.


Departure: 07h30

Arrival: 08h45

Flight No. 644.

Flying Line:



Liftoff: 9:45 am

Arrival: 23:00

Departure: 12:00 pm

Arrival: 14:45

Flight No. 855.

Thank you for reading the news to know the dates of Yemen Airways flights today on Gulf 365 We are not responsible for the content of this news with the best wishes for Happy Day.

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