Five ways to get rid of headaches


The endoscope can cause headaches, but the good thing is that there are many simple things that can be done to relieve pain without consulting your doctor or pharmacy. Try these tips and your situation will improve quickly.

1. Warm and refresh the body

If you have a migraine, you can put a substance on your forehead, reduce the pain by using ice cubes wrapped in a towel, a bag of peas or even take a cold bath . Apply the mixture for a quarter of an hour and take another quarter of an hour.

If you have a tension headache, place a warm pillow on your neck or behind your head. If you have a sinus headache, place a piece of tissue on the area that hurts you, a hot bath can do the trick.

2 – Hair straightener

If the ponytail is tight, it can cause headaches. This headache caused by external pressure can also result from wearing a hat, a headband or even very tight swimming goggles. One study showed that women who had a headache had headaches.

3 – hug your dark side

Bright or flashing light – including that emitted by your computer – can cause a semicircle.

If you are more inclined to light, cover your windows with special daytime shutters and wear sunglbades on the outside. You can also put the screen cover to prevent the reflection of lights and the use of sparkling day lights in your home.

4 – Chewing gum

Chewing gum can injure not only the jaw but also the head, the same for nails, lips, cheeks – or even objects that are useful as pens.

Avoid crunchy, sticky foods and be sure to eat small pieces. If you insist on your teeth at night, consult your doctor about a mouthguard because it can curb headaches early in the morning.

5. Take Medication Medically

We keep all kinds of painkillers for all types of headaches over pharmacies, but they can help, but to get the best results, follow the instructions on the drug's label:

  1. Drink on tablets, because your body absorbs it faster.
  2. Taking Analgesics Once you feel pain, your pain will probably be lost in small doses.
  3. Avoid drugs that contain caffeine or multiple ingredients, they are more likely to cause headaches, that is what happens when you take too much medication or for a long time, this worsens your condition and does not improve

  • 19659006] Audit: Ing. Qais popular
  • edit: رؤى درخباني


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