Floods in Japan: Increase in the number of dead and missing

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(Xinhua ) – Prime Minister Shinzo Abe ordered the Crisis Staff to act as quickly as possible to save the victims,

Authorities said they did not have information on dozens of people, at the local media reported the disappearance of nearly 60 people.

Unprecedented 3-day precipitation caused mbadive floods and landslides and other major damage

Landslides in areas where buildings were built on the slopes of the mountains led to the destruction of entire houses and covered the entire neighborhood.

Okayama Prefecture is one of the most affected areas on Friday by Hiroshima to visit a other very e region


The government announced Thursday a new record of floods and landslides of at least 199 people. "The spokesman of the government, Yoshihid Suga, reportedly said at a conference In this prime minister Shinzo Abe ordered at the meeting of the Crisis Staff to act as soon as possible to save the victims. [19659006Theauthoritiessaidtheyhadnoinformationaboutdozensofpeoplewhilelocalmediareportedabout60missing

The unprecedented three-day rainfall caused mbadive flooding, landslides and other major damage

The Japanese Prime Minister canceled a tour in four countries, including Belgium and France, and went to the prefecture on Wednesday. Okayama, one of the areas most affected by Hiroshima, Friday to visit another damaged area Fairway. (Function (d, s, id)

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