For the second consecutive day .. Abu Trika speaks "Twitter" after the cancellation of the registration "terrorist lists"


For the second day in a row, the leaders of the networking sites reacted to the decision of the Court of Cbadation to uphold the appeal filed by Mohamed Al-Treika of Al-Ahly and l & rsquo; Old Egyptian team and cancel its decision to register on the terrorist lists.

The pioneers of the Hashtag "Twitter" blog site, titled "Abu Treika", won second place in the most popular trend in Egypt. He will remain the "prince of hearts" whatever happens, wishing him success.

Wednesday, acceptance of the appeal filed by former club player Mohammed Abu Trika and others, and the abolition of the criminal court decision to enumerate them on the terrorists, and the return of the case to a different circuit before the crimes

The Court of Cbadation recommended in its report the acceptance of the appeal by the accused and the annulment and revocation of the law on the criminal court in Cairo (6) published by Abu Treika and d & # 39; Others on terrorist lists for a period of three years. Has been the subject of an investigation on the basis of a communication submitted by the Committee for the inventory and management of the funds of the Fraternity, published at the meeting of 12 January 2017 and published in the Official Gazette No. 114 of 18 May 2017.

A total of 1,254 persons appealed the decision to the Court of Cbadation in 1538, including ex-international player Mohamed Abu Trika


The list included 1538 people, including former international player Mohammed Abu Shareka, businessman Safwan Thabet and the media moustafa Saqr, as well as a large number of leaders of the Brotherhood, including deposed President Mohamed Morsi, Mohammed Badi, Mohammed Mahdi Akef, Khairat Al-Shater, his sons, Saad Al-Katatni, Bakinam Al-Sharqawi, former Judge Walid Shurbi, the chief of staff Al Wasat Abu Ala Madi and his deputy Essam Sultan

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