For the second week, Jurassic World continues to release the Box Office


For the second week, Jurbadic World continues to list Box Office Charter, citing the Arabic morning, we publish for the second week Jurbadic World continues to publish the Box Office, for the second week Jurbadic World continues to publish the Box Office.

Jurbadic World: Fallen Kingdom releases the box office at the box office for the second week in a row, with the release of "Jurbadic World". $ 60 million in total revenues of Wen 264,787,335 million US dollars worldwide.

The Incredibles 2 maintained their second best score of $ 45,546,000 and entered the first week of July with Sicario: Day of the Soldado, who finished third with $ 19 million.

The Deadpool 2 and Solo: A story of Star Wars, which was ranked as the worst of the list of the ten best-selling films in the United States, fell into the red.

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For the second week Jurbadic World continues to publish the list of Box Office, follow us on the social networking sites of our site to receive new news constantly.

Source: Arab Morning