French president reorganizes his office after his bodyguard scandal


Published on:
Monday, July 23, 2018 – 10:26 pm
| Last update:
Monday, July 23, 2018 – 10:26 pm
A French source close to the French presidency said Sunday that French President Emmanuel Macaron had ordered the reorganization of his office after recognizing shortcomings in the way the presidency had handled a scandal involving a senior bodyguard of the president. Alexander Pinal, who for a long time kept Macron, began to investigate the case that sparked a political storm and led to Macron's most critical criticism since he took power 14 years ago. month. , That "Macaron" met with members of his government to discuss the issue, noting that the French president said that S. Locke "Pinala" on Labor Day was unacceptable and shocking and that you can not leave the idea that someone in his entourage is above the law.

This is the first time that Macron comments on this issue, according to Reuters.

The source pointed out that "Macaron" has acknowledged a number of shortcomings at the Elysee since Labor Day and asked General Secretary Alexei Collier to reorganize his own office to prevent it from happening. recurrence

. Video Last week, Pinala participated in protests on May 1 in Paris, wearing a riot helmet and police badges while he was out of order.

In the footage, Pinala was seen driving a woman away from the demonstration and later beating a protester. Last Friday, the French media published a second video showing "Pinala" dealing harshly with a woman.

Macaron, the commander of his bodyguards, retired last Friday but was criticized for not acting sooner. . Pinala was arrested for 15 days and allowed to return to work.

MPs began an investigation into the incident and the initial indulgent punishment and the inability of the authorities to promptly bring Pinala to justice.

The French Minister of the Interior, Gérard Coulomb, gives his testimony to the National Assembly in the Pinala affair in a few hours. On Tuesday, Columbus will appear before the Senate's Inquiry Committee, which could hear on Wednesday the testimony of Patrick Stirzoda, director of President Patrick Stirzoda's office.

Macron's critics say the incident reinforces the public perception of The president is arrogant and disconnected from reality.

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