Full specifications of Samsung Galaxy Note 9


Leaks: Complete specifications of the Samsung Galaxy Note 9, the newspaper, quoting the electronic newspaper, we publish leaks: the full specifications of the Samsung Galaxy Note 9, leaks: the full specifications of the Samsung Galaxy Note 9, we publish you our new visitors

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has offered press reports, new leaks for all the details, which would be the finale of Samsung's next "Galaxy Note 9". "He said.

The site has released the technical specialist" Android Headlines ", an exclusive report and explained the full specifications, as well as all the information badociated with the phone" Galaxy Note 9 ".

The technical site indicated that all the information presented in the report came from a reliable source within the South Korean company.

The design shows that the GalaxyNote 9 will adopt the Edge-to-Edge technology, adding new features to the top from the front, which will have a front camera, an iris scanner, an earphone, a new camera sensor, and flash type "LED".

The front of the phone has a curved edge lower than the previous version Galaxy Note 8, and the pen pocket will be less visible than the previous version.

For the back side of the GalaxyNote 9, sources have indicated that the fingerprint sensor is likely to be in below s double rear cameras, instead of the cameras right.

With regard to the full specifications of the GalaxyNote 9, sources confirmed that the touch screen will reach 6.4 inches, up to 2960 x 1440 inches.

The Galaxy Note 9 will feature 6GB of RAM, a minimum internal storage capacity of 64GB and a high speed Snabdragon 845 processor.

The Galaxy Note 9 has been amplified to 4000 mAh.

Galaxy Note 9 will be available in almost five colors (black, blue, brown and gray).

The Galaxy Note 9 will be officially launched on August 9 at a large public lecture.

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