Gargash: The Ghost Accounts Scandal


His Excellency Dr. Anwar Gargash, the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, confused the illusion of relying on a false media strategy to end the crisis and the false exaggeration of the crisis of the country system, noting that the scandal of fictitious accounts was taken into account. Paying attention to him from the folder of delusional calculations is the illusion of relying on a false media strategy to get out of the crisis, false exaggeration and the movement continues without progress holds the dilemma of the confused and does not let it. do not address.

They improve the management of this aspect and solve "It is important that the next approach is more practical and seeks to dismantle the problem of the crisis and solve it away from the mercenaries and exaggerated delusions that seemed to be true . "

His Excellency Dr. "It may be a moment of dependence on the citizens of Qatar, of their wisdom and their willingness to go beyond non-cooperative policies, far from the politics of Buying and reliance on the media, hiring of lawyers and public relations.Maybe it is a moment of trust rather than a series of confusion. "

Anwar Gargash, in a tweet on Twitter, the country's cheese system, because of the conspiracy against ruling Arab families, through the use of leaks and interviews organized for fear of confrontation. Gargash said yesterday on his Twitter account: "conspiratorial plot against this ruling family or that, and lacks usual courage, resorting to leaks and interviews arranged for fear of confrontation," and added, "a game exposed to deepening the crisis and the moral fall. " [ad_2]
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