Garlic, grapes and apple cider . Triple elimination of fever without doctor, garlic, raisins and apple cider. Triple elimination of fever without a doctor We publish our new visitors News today by our charter and go from the news, garlic, raisins and apple cider. Fever without a doctor
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Doctors always warn m The effects of fever and high temperature can lead to serious health problems and complications. It is therefore necessary to know how to save fever at home before going to the doctor and do without the doctor.
According to tophomeremias, there are healthy recipes for the treatment of fever in the home, including:
Cider Vinegar:
Cider Vinegar Contains Minerals and Elements That Flush Out Toxins and Struggle against infections. By adding two stems of apple cider vinegar to a glbad of water and suspend the white honey and take the mixture twice a day.
Garlic is one of the most powerful foods that expel germs and viruses and relieve pain because it contains vitamins and nutrients important for the health of the body.
Combines infection, relieves pain, inflammation and reduces temperature by putting it in food or eating it throughout the day.
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Garlic, grapes and apple cider vinegar Triple elimination of fever without a doctor, Follow us on the social networking sites of our site to receive news constantly.
Source: Journal of Al Ahsa
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Tags Apple cider doctor elimination Fever garlic raisins Triple