Giant Brigades on the outskirts of Zabid


Arab coalition fighters destroyed the quality process of the integrated communication system used by the Houthi militia and the Arab Alliance for Legitimacy in Yemen pointed out that it would not allow militia putschists to possess such sophisticated means of communication. The National Army and the Joint Resistance on the one hand, and the Huthi militia on the other hand in the direction of Tahita, extend to the confines of the Zabid leadership since the 39th. east and north of anarchy, on the brink of Houthi's defenses collapse. An army brigades in the Giants completed control of the entire center after at Tuhayat district battles rifled with the militia. According to information published by the Yemeni army website, fighting was concentrated around the Zabid leadership, east of the brigades al-Tihta giants fierce battles with the militia on the outskirts of Wadi Zabid and in the Qarishiya area of ​​Zubeid. [19659002] Heavy losses

Arab coalition fighters launched intensive air raids in support of the advance of the national army and resistance forces, targeting rallies and the reinforcements of the militias. According to local sources, at least 50 Houthis have been killed in battles and dozens have been wounded, while the brigades have managed to capture a large number during the sweeps of the Tahita Center. For its part, the official spokesman for the brigades of giants Mamoun Mahajmi that the liberation of the center of the direction of the goal to cut the lines Huthis between Tahita and Zubaid, and Zabid is the next target, and explained that Huthi militia used guerrilla tactics Liberation of the Tahita Center

Military sources confirmed that the Giant Brigades had completed control of the entire headquarters of the Tahita leadership after violent battles with the militia and were currently processing remnants of the militia pockets in the center. According to these sources, Apache helicopters bombed militia reinforcements en route to Zabid, and armed paramilitary forces continued the battle of Tahita.

Destruction of the System

Meanwhile, the Coalition for Supporting Legitimacy in Yemen targeted a Houthi military communications network in Hadian and Razah. . Coalition forces destroyed the integrated military communications system, which included advanced technologies and worked with the help of foreign experts. The coalition stressed that it would not allow a terrorist organization to possess advanced capabilities and advanced technologies. He pointed out that "camouflage operations and military armaments" confirmed that the target of the last strike was a military site.

White Battles

In the province of Al-Bayda in the center of the country, several violent clashes pitted national army forces against popular resistance. . Sources on the ground said fierce fighting took place on several fronts in the field of Church Leadership. The sources said the fighting concentrated in Sabal's problem areas, Jabal Hbadan, the bottom of the bottom. The fighting resulted in deaths and injuries among the Houthi militia, as well as heavy losses in equipment and materials.

In Taiz, the Iranian militia suffered heavy losses in fierce fighting on several fronts in the west of the province. Military sources said fierce fighting took place between the army and the Houthi militia in different areas of the front line of the fog front, west of the city. According to sources, the fighting broke out after the militia attempted to launch attacks on sites in Ash'Af areas, and tourism, and the tithes of wolves and wolves, and several directions.
The sources pointed out that the desperate militia's attempts came from the precautionary zone, and the villages of Dahab, Tbeisha, Jabal al-Menem, but the armed forces thwarted all the militia's attempts and forced them to retreat. . In an accepted front, there have been violent clashes between National Army forces and the Houthi militia in the vicinity of the village of Nuba and in the vicinity of Jabal al-Husn.


The Houthi militia blew up the central water reservoir that was supplying the city of Tahita as part of its systematic crimes against the citizens. He called on residents of Tahita, the legitimate government and the UAE Red Crescent, to save them from the water crisis.

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