Girls Secrets – 5 Shocking Reasons Make You Still Feel Hungry .. Here's the Solution


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Lotus News – Many people are very hungry after a full meal in the very short term, so the person asks why they are always hungry.

Bold Sky Revealed 5 Reasons to Feel Hunger and Hunger:

1. Your body already needs food:
Sometimes, one of the things that excite hunger is hypoglycemia. In these moments, look for signs such as if hunger strikes slowly (because emotional hunger tends to come quickly). Or listen to those stomach tremors and make sure you are still hungry even after drinking a big glbad of water.

Solution – Try regular, nutritious meals and snacks throughout the day. Also include more dietary fat than whole food sources in your diet.

2. You do not have enough breakfast:
– Mothers are right: breakfast, in fact, is the most important meal of the day. A long-term study by the University of Cambridge showed that people who consume 300 calories at breakfast are twice as overweight as those who eat 500 calories.

Solution – Add Protein to Your meal like sausages with eggs. In addition, eating leafy vegetables helps relieve cravings because they contain a high percentage of vitamin K, a nutrient that regulates insulin.

3. Stop stress:
When we are stressed, the body produces hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. But there are many other reasons that also lead to the secretion of adrenaline, it is perhaps because of a real threat to our lives in a situation where we have six new deadlines on our desk. Unfortunately, our body has not yet learned to understand the difference between the two. It's the same for our bodies. When our bodies start producing more stress hormones, which stimulate high levels of adrenaline, we ask (from inside) the "fuel" to get us out of the danger that the body thinks. This leads to hunger signals.

Solution – First, reduce caffeine intake. Practice deep breathing, the first thing after waking up is that it can be meditation, tai chi, yoga, or anything related to breathing.

4. You do not sleep enough:
Sleep greatly affects your appetite. Science has now concluded that when people do not sleep enough, the two main hormones that control satiety and appetite (leptin and ghrelin, respectively) change. As a result, you are biochemically motivated to want to eat more food when you have not slept enough.

Solution – Make sure you have eight hours of sleep a night. Getting regular, attentive sleep time also helps.

5. You do not drink enough water:
Drought often takes the form of hunger. When the part of the brain responsible for hunger and thirst dries out, it sends you conflicting signals and makes you think you need to eat, although what you really need is only a glbad of water .

When you are hungry and eat meals

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