Google announces bringing its smart benefits to its cloud services


  Google announces bringing its smart benefits to its cloud services
Google announces bringing its smart benefits to its cloud services

Google announces bringing its smart benefits to cloud services Google announces the introduction of its smart features to its cloud services.

Endoscope Google has launched a new conference on its services yesterday Cloud is Cloud Next 18, where it is announced

Google said the smart answer function was en route to the chat service and said that the feature Smart Compose, Now available to all G Suite users, Google Docs has made some suggestions.

After launching Gmail and Android Messaging earlier this year, Smart Reply will come on Hangouts Chat in the coming weeks. By badyzing the context of the conversation, Google will present three suggestions at the bottom of the screen.

Smart Compose function, which is based on artificial intelligence, has developed a comprehensive e-mail to give you common greetings, or at home, is available to all users of cloud services.

In Google Docs, grammar suggestions are meant to "monitor things such as spelling and grammar mistakes that inadvertently change the meaning of a sentence". It therefore provides a more advanced level of traditional spell checking, in which Google benefits from the "unique machine translation-based approach to identify errors and suggest corrections."

What do you think of what you announced on the first day? Let us know in the comments.

Source Google Blog

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Source: Andorid

  Rajab Magdy