Google brings the "night mode" to the YouTube app on Android


  Google brings
Google brings "night mode" to the YouTube application on Android

Google brings "night mode" to the YouTube application on Android Saqr News citing Andoride we publish Google bring " "Google" brings the "night mode" to the application of YouTube on Android.We publish your visitors.News News Today via our Saqr News and start with the main news, Google brings "night mode" to the application of Youtube on Android.

For the first time on the Web version, Google announced last March that it provided

People who do not have this feature yet can Activate it manually by going to Settings, then going to the General tab where you will find an option to activate the Dark Theme Mode.If you do not find the new option, you will have to wait a while for that. It comes officially. [19659005] As with desktops and iOS, the new mode is grayer than black, where you will get the background of the application, the settings page, the search pages, the tabs and everything white on the new gray.

While the channels will retain the color effects on the tab menu, the biggest impact of the new situation will be on the video page as the video player will take a black color before full loading, making the video More useful visual experience.

Launch of the new application mode on Android today is expected to reach all users in a few days, if you get it, we share your experience in the comments.


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Source: Andorid

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