"Google Chrome" directed a "big shock" for smart phone users


"Google Chrome" led a "big shock" to smart phone users Charter citing the newspaper already e-publish yourself "Google Chrome" directed a "big shock" to smart phone users, "Google Chrome" pulls a "big shock"

Charter news reports revealed that the company "Google" America, sent a "shock to all" users of its browser, "Google" Chrome "on smart phones.

Forbes magazine publishes a report in which it talks about the "bad surprise" or "big shock" that Google Chrome sent to all smartphone users.

The US magazine said: The recent update of " Google Chrome "consumes about 13% of full RAM" phones and tablets users.

The browser was "Google Chrome", previously consumed up to 5% of the "ram" of its users.

The US magazine said it would be a "shock" for most users of "Google Chrome", as the search engine "Google" controls about 60% of the engine market share search engines and Internet browsers around the world.

This is a big problem for most Google Chrome browsers, because most devices you use have a RAM of 4 to 8 GB.

Google attributes this new update to the necessary requirements to increase the browser's security against any serious security breach, to isolate the browser from any external factors that may lead to penetration

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