Google Keyboard Gboard allows communication with people with disabilities via Morse code


Google Keyboard Gboard allows communication with people with disabilities Morse code The Observatory news Sadi technology We edit the keyboard Google Gboard allows communication with people with disabilities Morse code, a keyboard Google Gboard that allows communication with people with disabilities by Morse code Google's new GWboard allows communication with people with disabilities through Morse code.

News Monitor Google officially provided access to Morse code to enter its Gboard keyboard application for iOS devices Including for iPhone and iPad, were bad The United States announced the use of code Morse via the Gboard application at the developers conference of the year I / O 2018 then have it provided in a trial version for Android devices. New

The Morse code support step is a way to introduce the Gboard keyboard, available for Android phones and iPhone, to facilitate communication with people with disabilities. The application provides a instant messenger via Morse code, replacing Google by two big "dot" and "", The two symbols needed for writing using Morse code.

Google developed an interactive game running on Android and iPhone phones and computers that help users learn to write using Morse code, which Google says can be easily learned in one hour. # 39; learning.

Google collaborated with innovator and developer Tania Finlayson, an expert in the development of technologies based on Morse code, to create writing capabilities for millions of smartphones users in the whole world.Tania Finlayson was born with cerebral palsy and the doctors were waiting for her death. Her parents did not give in, and Tania said on the official Google blog that the only difference she felt was that she was unable to communicate, she could only answer the questions with " yes "and" no ", but her parents were counting on a headscarf. With a stick to be able to print on the machine The author by moving the head, which allowed them to ask questions and learn a lot.

Google collaborated with Tanya Finlayson to support the Morse Code Keyboard

Several years later, Tania Finlayson had the opportunity to participate in a study on disabled children who are unable to speak, for the purpose to develop a Morse code. Allows communication between people with disabilities The Morse code is a communication system dating from the last century, on which the telegraph machine depends on the transmission of words or letters through only two symbols, the "dot" and the "font".

The study was successful in developing a device that Tania described as revolutionary, where he can convert the Morse code into characters and pronounce it aloud in English, allowing People with disabilities write easily by moving the movements of the head. Simple, in addition to connecting with friends and making real conversations, that Google has worked with "Tanya" to support him with his keyboard Gboard.

The Gboard keyboard for smart phone users also offers many benefits, including the ability to search directly in the lighting panel and share results with friends. For example, if a user logs into a friend via Wattab Through the keyboard directly to nearby restaurants and share a restaurant directly with his friend, in addition to the possibility of communication by emoticons and stickers, "stickers" and Gifs with the ability to make and share animated images , with direct translation while writing An Arabic language to display the translated text in another language.

iPhone users can download free the latest version of Gboard via App Store from Apple App Store and Android users can also download free the latest version of the application via Google Play .

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The Google GBO keyboard allows communication with people with disabilities through the Morse code Follow us on the social networking sites of our site to receive new information

Source: Sadi Technik

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