Google moves to replace the Android system with Fuchsia OS


  Google is moving to replace the Android system with the Fuchsia operating system
Google: Google is moving to replace the Android Fuchsia OS system

for your precious trust for us, which leads us to a job Google is moving more and more to replace the Android system with the Fuchsia operating system, and we are working hard to keep this position where you will reach and provide reliable news content on our website. OS, where we search da Google is in the process of replacing the Android system by the Fuchsia operating system.

News of the day Saturday, July 21, 2018 It's no secret that Google has been working for years on a new operating system called Fuchsia OS that is not intended to replace the systems of Existing operation, but to be the operating system that manages all Google products.

According to a new report by Bloomberg that the "Fusha" system could replace

The company's engineers hope to bring Fusha to smart home appliances, including Google Home, three years after migrating to smartphones, tablets , computers and wearables in the end, which seems interesting for Google.

In addition, the use of Google's new operating system will help them avoid legal problems related to the use of Android for Java.

However, the five-year period mentioned in the report seems to be a relatively short period for the conversion of billions of devices running Android and Chrome OS systems to the new Fucha system.

What do you expect from the new operating system? Do you see Google serious about this idea? Share Your Opinion on Comments

Source Bloomberg

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Google: Google will replace the Android system by the Fuchsia operating system, do not forget our dear visitors to show your opinion in this news. Google is in the process of replacing the Android system with the Fuchsia operating system, and not to forget that we also follow the social networking pages of the news site to bring you new news first. OS

Google is in the process of replacing the Android system with the Fuchsia operating system.

Source: Andorid

  Mohammed Rabee

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