Governor Fayoum visits the project "a new beginning for a better future"


Dr. Jamal Sami, Governor of Fayoum, inspected the project "A New Beginning for a Better Future", accompanied by Dr. Niven Kabbaj, Deputy Minister of Social Solidarity, Ashraf Darwish, Chief of the Development Agency of Small and Medium Enterprises and Eman Zaki, Under-Secretary Solidarity at Fayum

The governor and his companions continued the stages of revision and revision of the lists of beneficiaries of the project "Takaful and dignity", accountability committees of the Department of Social Solidarity of Fayoum, exclusion of non-eligible retirees,

Sami revealed the granting of loans to Takaful inadmissible and the pension of dignity, and those who were excluded exchange lists, a very simple interest, in addition to providing them with opportunities for employment in the private sector, and give them a certificate He added that the state pays special attention to the x low-income people and strives to offer them a decent life.

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