Governor of Dakahlia Congratulates High School Graduates


Dr. Ahmed Al-Sharaoui, governor of Daqahlia, on Wednesday telephoned the first four students who obtained the first place in the republic to congratulate them and their families for their progress and future, their family and their country. Egypt

The governor said, during his contact with the first students, that you raised your head in the sky of excellence and nobility, and you confirm that Dakahlia is always at the forefront between provinces. And families of outstanding students for their efforts and what they have done to create the atmosphere of excellence and excellence for their children, and reap the high school students in Dakahlia on 4 of the top 10 high schools of the three at the Republic level, where the student Mohammed Ali Mohammed Hbadanein, The first place was repeated for the Department of Scientific Sciences with a total of 409.5 degrees, the student Nada Hamada Yousef Hammad, the college of Agha, the first place for the science department, a total of 409.5 degrees, the student Mahmoud Mourad Abdel Fattah Hbadan, The seventh repeater of the Division In the literary division , the student Mariam Mohammed Mustafa, at the Martyr Muqaddam School Ahmed Hbadan Ghoneim secondary girls West Mansoura, ranks tenth with a total of 406.5 degrees.

The Governor of Dakahlia confirmed that this excellence is the result of the efforts and diligence of the students and their families.

The governor explained that he ordered the under-secretary of the Ministry of Education, to prepare a big party to honor the first four students. "The Minister of Education and the Ministry of Education, Next week is worthy of what they have accomplished" "The success and excellence, expressing his pleasure of personal superiority of four sons of high school students from the province's first centers throughout the country. (Function ()

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