Governor of South Sinai follows the tests of the Faculty of Physical Education of Arish University


South Sinai – Hamada Shwadvi:

Published on:
Wednesday, July 18, 2018 – 15:02
| Last update:
Wednesday, July 18, 2018 – 15:02

General Khaled Fouda, governor of South Sinai, continued Wednesday capacity testing activities for students wishing to enter the faculty of physical education at Al-Arish University, in coordination with the Department of Physical Education of Al-Arish University. Students from South Sinai had the hard time to travel to North Sinai Province, where they attended Al-Zuhur High School for girls, and the Governor General was accompanied by General Mahmoud Issa. Secretary General of South Sinai Governorate, Mohammed Fathi Tawfiq. Dr. Khalid Abu Hashim, Under-Secretary of the Ministry of Health, South Sinai.

The 2018 Physical Education College is highly valued by many students who have a high school diploma; It should be noted that the colleges of physical education have been standardized tests of the 2018-2019 academic year at all faculties of physical education in all Egyptian government universities, based on the decisions of the Supreme Council of Universities as follows:
Test I
2. Personal Test (decent or inappropriate)
3. Test of skill and sport 70 degrees.
4. Intelligence test and general information in electronic specialization 30 degrees. 19659005] and the requirements for pbading the 2018 College of Physical Education capacity tests: the student gets 50% of each test, and finally gets a total of 70% of the total distribution of all test levels as a condition of success and decent access

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