Griffith in Sanaa again to persuade the Houthis to deliver Hodeidah without a fight


Griffith in Sanaa again to convince the Houthis to surrender Hodeidah without a fight

Yemeni deputies demand continued military operations on the west coast until the achievement of its objectives

Tuesday – October 19 1439 – 03 July 2018 No. [

Griffith Upon arriving at the airport of Sanaa yesterday (Reuters)

Sanaa – Aden: "Middle East"
United Nations envoy to Yemen, Martin Griffith, returned to Sanaa about two weeks after his previous visit, as part of his efforts to persuade the Houthi militias to withdraw from Hodeidah and its strategic port to save the city the consequences of his release.
The return of Griffiths came to the Yemeni capital after the official statements of Yemeni deputies, in which they rejected efforts to stop the military operations of Riri al-Hudaydah, and they were subjected to futile attempts by suspected international parties to save the Huthi militias from the most severe defeat of their draft coup d'etat. While deputies out of control of the Houthi group, in a statement issued from a consultative meeting, point to the continuation of military operations, this stance coincides with the recent statements by President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi and another legitimate Yemeni government. Is the complete and unconditional withdrawal of the Houthis from Hodeidah and its port, and from all ports under the control of the Red Sea, including the withdrawal of the ports of Ras Issa and Salib.
Griffith, on his arrival at Sana's airport, did not make any further statements. In which UN sources in Sanaa have reported that the visit will last three days, during which the emissary will meet the militia leaders before returning to the temporary capital Aden to meet with President Hadi and leaders of the legitimate government to inform them of the results of its efforts with the leaders of the pro-Iranian group. That his group accepted the existence of an international control over the port of Hodeidah, including the technical and logistical aspects, as he claimed, without giving his consent to a complete withdrawal from the city and its port, as required by the legitimate government. President Hadi in Aden, spokesman Houthi group Mohammed Abdul Salam in Muscat, the Omani capital, and both sides confirmed his willingness to come to the negotiating table, noting that his primary responsibility is to start negotiations to end the war. "Hodeidah is a very important issue, but it is no more important than reaching a political solution," he said, adding that he hoped to bring the parties together for negotiations in the weeks ahead. to come, without setting a precise timetable for their recovery. He also said that he hoped that the Security Council would meet next week to present a plan for the resumption of negotiations.
In a similar context, members of the House of Representatives of Yemen issued an official statement. "They called for the halting of the battle for the restoration of Hodeidah as an" alteration of the strategy of war on the road to peace. "
And contempt for the sacrifice of the witness Who has gone the distance to achieve this goal in the battles of the coast since its inception." They also called on President Hadi, the legitimate government and the coalition countries to " to complete the battle of Hodeidah until it reaches its objectives ", because this achievement would be" sufficient to push the blow to restore its senses and respect the logic of dialogue and peace. " The campaign aimed to save the day, to encourage him to commit more crimes and to allow him to continue his refusal of peace and return to the dialogue table, taking advantage of his continued capture of the most important resources. of the people. "Ensuring the survival of the most important Avz open to him to receive weapons and equipment of war and smuggling destruction to him." Yemeni deputies said in their statement: "Calls to stop the bata Ille de Hodeidah are only a miserable attempt to spare the coup the most serious defeat of their project, in the series of defeats suffered by Yemeni territory. "
Conducted by a dubious media campaign aimed at "dismantling the international collective will on the right of the people to restore their state, institutions of legitimacy, end the coup d'etat and return to political dialogue with clear terms of reference" 39, Gulf Initiative,
They recall that they remind the international community that the war was imposed on the Yemeni people when the guerrillas, who acquired the weapons and fighting skills of the Republic of Yemen. Iran and its agents in the region, attacked the Republican regime and its legitimate institutions. Arab alliance, led by Saudi Arabia, and UAE participation.
President Hadi received yesterday in Aden the leader of the resistance Tigam Abdul Rahman Hajri, while official Yemeni sources have hailed the "honorable positions written by the sons of Tihama, Via a cross He accused the Huthi militiamen of defeat the Huthi militias and restore all districts, the city of Hodeidah, in coordination with the army and the popular resistance. "
The Yemeni government accuses the Houthi militias of gaining time, but does not want to bring peace." The end of the coup d'etat and the return of stolen weapons to military camps, pursuant to UNSCR 2216 Security Council.
As the pro-Iranian group continued to cling to Hodeidah, its port and other places of existence on the west coast of Yemen, Dada waged a war street with government forces in the city's neighborhoods, which closed its streets and turned into trenches, and were surrounded by the cultivation of thousands of mines
The Houthi Group, as government forces approached the liberation of the city, which could have been left behind by the clashes, which the government forces and the coalition that support them have worked in the liberation plan to avoid by adopting a parallel plan of support and of humanitarian aid


Yemen conflict

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