Griffith returns to Sanaa .. And waving the resumption of Hodeidah attack


The UN envoy arrives
United Nations in Yemen Martin Griffith Wednesday in Sanaa in a new visit to the capital
Yemen, continuing its mediation efforts between the rebels and the internationally recognized government, which
He suggested to resume the attack on the city of Hodeidah in case of failure of the mediation.

A photographer from AFP said:
Press In In Griffith arrived at the Sana airport at noon and immediately went to his residence without going to the call.

Griffith has been trying since
Weeks of reviving peace talks in Yemen

Griffith's visit comes
After days of meetings with Yemeni government officials, during which they confirmed that Ali
Huthi rebels release all detainees before they start peace talks

Griffiths began his efforts to recreate
Peace talks relaunched months ago, after the launch of government forces in 13
June attack on the city of Hodeidah, about 150 km from Sanaa
And overlooking the Red Sea, with the aim of recovering them from rebel hands.

The city has a port
No matter how much trade and help that millions of people are going through
The military alliance led by Saudi Arabia in support of government forces says the port is a
A pbadage for the introduction of weapons to the Houthis.

The Coalition asks
An unconditional withdrawal of the rebels from the port and the city to spare the war. The alliance was
The attack, about three weeks after his departure, left Griffith in a position to reach
A political solution.

A spokesman said
The Yemeni government Rajih Paddy told AFP on Wednesday that "the issue of withdrawal
The Hodeidah militia is one of many issues that fall within the framework of rebuilding trust
The UN envoy is seeking to complete it before resuming negotiations. "

" Military operations of government forces supported by coalition countries have not ceased
West Coast Front, but the operation was calm towards the city of Hodeidah to give a chance
For the efforts of the UN envoy. "

A Yemeni government official pointed out
High level that the recognized authority "adheres to the need to remove militias from
Hodeidah, its strategic refuge, empowering police and local authorities to manage affairs
The city under the direct supervision of the Ministry of the Interior in the legitimate government. "

The Government supports
"The presence of international observers to oversee port management and revenue delivery
Central Bank "in Aden, the interim capital of the government recognized.

A military official also declared
Said to AFP: "Our forces are ready and waiting for the green light to resume
The attack of the city of Hodeidah in case of failure of the mission of the international envoy. "

The leader of Ansar Allah, Abdel-Malik al-Houthi, confirmed in an interview with the newspaper" Le Figaro "last week that
Is ready to hand over control of Hodeidah's port to the United Nations only if troops are stopped
Pro-government offensive.

In a related context, he said
The Arab alliance on Wednesday that the Houthi group attacked a Saudi oil tanker in the sea
Was slightly damaged after the Houthis announced that they were targeting a Saudi barge
In the region.

The coalition declared in a statement
The tanker was attacked at 1:15, but the name of the tanker was not mentioned or described
How was attacked.

The statement added: "One of the Saudi oil tankers was attacked by an Iranian Houthi with international waters to the west
The port of Hodeidah, which is under the control of the Houthi terrorist militia of Iran,
Thank God, the attempt to attack failed to interfere with the warships of the alliance in
At the time, the attack caused minor injuries to the tanker. "

Since 2014, Yemen has witnessed
A war between Huthi rebels and pro-government forces, intensified with Saudi intervention
Led a military alliance in March 2015 to support the government after the rebels were able to
Control of vast areas of the country, including the capital Sanaa.

About 10,000 people were killed
In the war between Yemeni government forces and the Houthis, including 2,200 children.

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