Hafez al Assad "Son" represents Syria in an international mathematics tournament


Hafez al-Assad, the eldest son of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, participated in an international mathematics competition organized by Romania since 3 July and asked to be treated as a "normal student". He shares his hotel with a colleague "Hafez al-Asad, 16, is the most important player in the history of mathematics," said Hafez al-Assad, whose grandfather is the president Syrian. Is one of 615 students from 18 countries participating in the competition that ends July 14 in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, in last year's edition of the competition held in Rio de Janeiro. Janeiro, Brazil, was ranked 528 out of 615, but aspires to a better result in the current contest.

In a related context, Valantan Quipus, He stated that Hafez al-Asad wanted to be treated as a normal student, explaining that he "follows the normal behavior of the student.The hotel is committed to its competitors in 18 countries. " Each country represents a team of six students. "The son of the lion has not asked for anything special or special or separate apartment, sharing a room with a colleague."

According to the website of His Majesty the Syrian, the Syrian team is led by Imran Quba, head of the Central Committee of the Scientific Olympiad of Mathematics, Abdul Latif Hananou, Vice Chairman of the Committee and of Other members, Marc Jabbour members, Hafez al-Assad, Ahmed Khamis, Eile Aishoua and Mohamed Hafi, and Abdul Karim Ramadan Ramadan, who is participating for the first time. Romania is one of the countries with an embbady in Syria, and is considered the destination of a large number of Syrian students.

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