Hani Al-Attal calls for the elimination of differences and support Zamalek in the league


Hani Al-Attal, vice president of the Zamalek Club, requested that his differences with Murtada Mansour, the club's president, be set aside and support the football team that begins today his tour of the league. "Facebook ..": "Together .. Zamalek behind the entity" good start ".. On the blessing of God begins the Zamalek train today, facing Petrojt in search of the title accompanied by the # Call for millions and unite all Zamalek real on a goal behind the ball team.His trip with the elimination of all the differences or differences of views aside for the time The fans have been concerned about seeing their team win one after the other and I am one of those who support the team to support it, leaving any difference or crisis in the certainty that justice will say the word of the chapter and everyone knows that Zamalek is the entity. Before Petrojet. "

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