Harvest health .. 3 Htalkk pregnancy late analysis for .. And 5 psychological characteristics of rumors promoters


The following is a summary of health and medicine news for the Department of Health and Medicine:

1. If a patient of gout … knows that you eat eats your health

That affects the joints, and is the result of the incidence of inflammation, which affects the person, because of the High intake of meat and a high proportion of uric acid in the body ..

2 – Excuse me from the pain of the menstrual cycle in 8 steps

Pain, cramps and colics are the most important causes of the menstrual cycle, one of the most important periods faced by women and cause anxiety, tension and …

Diseases Mental and psychological disorders include many warning signs and prognostic symptoms, which make you feel that "you need a mistake," but you do not touch them and you can not explain them exactly. 19659003]

4 – Study: Aspirin can prevent ovarian cancer

Two new studies have shown that a low dose of aspirin a day can help women to avoid ovarian cancer or to improve their survival if they are infected. 19659003]

5. Development of a portable sensor for the absorption of perspiration and the determination of stress

A team of US scientists developed a waterproof sensor that can be worn directly on the skin, absorbing sweat in seconds to measure and evaluate the level of cortisol. .

6 – The lazy liver remains your gluten .. Know the causes and avoid to avoid the danger to your health

"The liver is lazy and along Tapan", we still hears the lazy liver, indicating the existence of liver health problems and its symptoms and what is meant by the word "lazy liver."

7. Know it before hearing 5 psychological traits of the promoter of the rumors

"I heard the news .. Shosht Ahh Eh .." and other phrases that have become hesitant among us these days, and some pbad without conscience.

8 – Look for the hormones .. 3 The badyzes will tell you that the pregnancy was delayed

A large part of the women are confronted with the problem of late pregnancy and do not know the cause of this problem. This report.

7th day

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