Hayatem dies at the age of 69


  The death of the artist Hayatem at 69
The death of the artist Hayatem at 69

The death of the artist Hayatm at 69 The charter mentions the & # 39; 39 Ona News Agency We publish the death of the artist Hayatem at the age of 69, The death of the artist Hayatem at the age of 69 We publish to you our visitors News News Today through our Charter and start with the most important news, the death of the artist Hayatem at the age of 69

Charter July 27, 2018 | 15:06

Hiatem died in a hospital at the age of 69, after a long fight against the disease.

Hiatem's health deteriorated and she was hospitalized for several weeks until she was diagnosed with cancer. Her condition stabilized somewhat after she became ill. She went into intensive care and that she was transferred to a normal room, her condition was further deteriorated yesterday. .

Urgent 2018-07-27

  52220170721040919919 "src =" http://onaeg.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/52220100721040919919-300x225.jpg "width =" </p>
<p>  Hiatem died in a hospital at the age of 69, after a long conflict with the disease. </p>
<p>  Hiatem's health deteriorated and she was taken to hospital several weeks later. Until she was diagnosed with cancer, her condition stabilized after being hospitalized in the intensive care unit and she was transferred to a normal room, but her condition is still unclear. deteriorated yesterday and she returned to the intensive care </p>
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The Charter, the death of the artist Hayatem at the age of 69, Follow us on the social networking sites of our site to receive new news constantly. </p>
<p>  Source: <span clbad= Ona News Agency

  Dawood Suleiman