He blocked his wife's killer by expelling him from the fifth round


The New Cairo Prosecutor, headed by Councilor Mohamed Salama, ordered the detention of the accused Hamdi T. "Kahouji", four days after the investigation, for the murder of his wife.

Katameya district witnessed a tragic crime.

Lieutenant-Colonel Mohammed Kamal, head of the Qatameya Police Department, received a statement from residents that a housewife had been killed after falling from the fifth floor.

Major Mustafa Amer, A deputy of the Katameya Police Department, to the shop and find the death of the so-called "Hanaa Kahlawi" 24-year-old housewife after the fall of M The owner of one Coffee and a resident of Hanager's new district district, and his discussion showed signs of suspicion and anxiety and pressure to recognize the outbreak of quarrels between them because of the previous differences, which were followed throw them from the balcony of the house. And the body was transferred to the morgue of the General Hospital

The necessary record was released and the prosecution was informed of the investigation.

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