He is still suffering from sound problems and will not return to normal


A handsome doctor Salary: Always suffer from problems in the sound .. Will not return to the normal charter by citing the homeland We publish you a handsome doctor Salary: Always suffer from problems in the sound .. Will not come back to the normal, a handsome doctor Salary: (19659002) Charter Hani al-Tuhami said: "I have no problem with the sound, and I will not return to normal." , The director of the work of the artist Jamil Rateb, the latter came out of intensive care on Saturday to join one of the halls of the Department of Neurology, to continue the medical examinations under the supervision of the nursing team, pointing out that the medical diagnosis has not yet been issued.

Al-Thammi points out that Ratib still suffers from sound problems because he communicates with him in a very low voice, while the vocal cord doctor says that it is difficult to naturally give a "beautiful" to his voice . , Stressing that the date of departure of the hospital, has not yet been determined.

He points out that Dr. Hala Zayed, the Minister of Health, is closely following the evolution of health and has all the necessary facilities, if necessary, to travel abroad to to be treated. , The Minister of Social Solidarity, and the artist Ashraf Zaki, the captain of the representatives, are satisfied with the "salary" all the time.

He added that the artist Laila Chaer and Peter Dania, director of the Egyptian Catholic Film Center, have visited the "salary" of the hospital, while the artist Mohamed Salob Khattab and Salwa Mohamed Ali rebadured him by telephone

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