He lived here, documenting the transformation of Mary Munib, singer and dancer, into the most famous protector of the history of cinema .. and the secrets of the declaration of Islam for a lawyer .. And the scenes of her wedding on a train


In the Cairo Governorate, specifically at 172 A Taher Street in Shoubra Street, behind the Omar ibn al-Khattab Mosque, was the late artist Mary Munib, who documented the coordination of the civilization of her house by placing a sign on the door of the property indicating the date of birth 11/02/1905. Birth in the country of Sham and date of death on 21/01/1969.

This is part of the continuation of the "Live here" project, one of the most important under the control of the Civilization Coordination Unit of the Ministry of Culture, aimed at documenting buildings and places of residence from artists, filmmakers, writers, musicians, poets, great artists and historical personalities, and artistic to Egypt through the modern history of Egypt.

Marie Muneeb She's called Marie Slim Habib Nasrallah, she's called Mari Mounib, an Egyptian actress from the origins of Shamia, she was born in Damascus in 1905 and moved with her family to live in Egypt.

Death of her father at the age of 12, she was forced to work in the gardens of Rawd al-Faraj.It was the beginner artist, Mari Munib, dancer and singer. She was the first to perform on stage at the age of 14. In an interview given to Kuwaiti television in 1970, she recounted that when she saw the audience for the first time, she was hit by a dumb and did not utter a single word and s & # 39; 39 is removed.

Mari Munib began her artistic career in the 1930s, joined the Rihani Ensemble in 1937 and began her film career, then starred in several films. Egyptian and Arab comments on the performance of Mary Munib's representative.

She began her film career through the movie "Radio Song" in 1936, in order to draw attention to the talent of actor to compete with the production companies of the time and for participate in the championship of many successful cinematographic works, which adds to his artistic career, and then becomes the cornerstone of most of the cinematographic works among the participation of big stars of Egyptian cinema Its time

Mari Munib married her first marriage at the age of 14. She started working in one of the groups that drove there, and she met actor Fawzi Munib and exchanged admiring glances. They were married at the time of the train, she was 14 years old and, after her mother learned it, she was very angry and opposed it and continued to refuse this marriage. She even tried to force him to divorce her daughter, but she did not succeed. After his divorce, and gave him two children.

Marie and her husband went to Lebanon after her mother's consent. They made a lot of money, but he divorced after secretly marrying the group she worked with, Nargis Shawki.

His second marriage was from lawyer Abdul Salam Fahmi, husband of his sister, who died to have his children and gave birth to two sons and one daughter. Mary lived with her Muslim family, influenced by Islamic rituals and the recitation of the Qur'an, recited daily in her mother-in-law's house. A number of verses from the Qur'an were published, then its Islam was recognized by the Egyptian court of first instance in 1937. A document was published announcing the conversion of Islam into Sheikh Mahmoud Al-Arabi and Sheikh Ahmed Al-Jeddawi, president of the court, she attended Mrs. Mary Munib, Catholicism, and I mastered Islam and pronounced Tin.

Mary herself chose the name of Amina Abdul Salam over her husband Abdul Salam Fahmi Abdul Rahman Ahmed, a resident of the same house, "and so" Fahmi "was the cause of Islam, then of his sister Islam .

– The last plays of Mary Munib "Iblis", transferred to the hospital during filming and unable to complete the play because of her illness, where she died four months after her illness, January 21, 1969.

Mari Munib produced a huge number of films in Egyptian cinema, almost a record, nearly 200 films and more than 50 plays, and entered the world of theater and theater at the age of 15 years.

Among the famous operas: "The Good Ten", "30 days in prison", "Elise on vacation", "Enjoy Your Bitch".

She began her film career in 1934 in the film "Son of the People", her latest film, "Thieves But Her Circumcision", with Ahmed Mazhar and Adel Imam.

Among his most outstanding works are "Al Azima" by Kamal Selim, "C Omar", "Laila Bint Al Faouar", "The Game of Six", "Baba Amin", "Al Asty Hbadan", "Ismail Ybadin". "And" People are under me. "

It should be noted that the project "lived here" is carried out in cooperation with technical institutions and is used by those who are interested in documentation of the cultural and artistic heritage in Egypt to verify the information and data collected.

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