Health and benefits – causes of dryness of the tongue, including the use of certain drugs


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Some people suffer from some symptoms of dryness and the dry tongue is also an integral part of it, so that the patient suffers from certain signs and symptoms that may suffer. From an obvious roughness in the tongue, and this dryness occurs due to many factors explained by the site " healthhype " in detail.

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The reasons for the dryness of the tongue The dry tongue

The site continues to mention some of the causes of dryness of the tongue, the most important of which is that the glands salivary suffer from a problem that makes the mouth wet as before, as a result of the absence of saliva. This offer, due to many reasons that cause the dry mouth and tongue together, at the beginning can be considered eating rich carbohydrates in significant amounts can cause this feeling of dryness in general, as well as some Anwa foods that increase the salt or salty foods in addition to nutritious foods also cause this drought, and some find this age and progress and enter the stages of aging, the elderly are vulnerable to this problem because with age differences occur in the interactions and functions of the body. Some people develop this problem, and this may also be due to certain diseases affecting the glands, affecting their function and effectiveness.

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The site mentioned above has listed a number of causes Most important and most And some cases of nerve damage can suffer from this problem, and some of the immune diseases can cause this also offers dry mouth, as well as the patient may suffer from this problem due to the dryness of the body in general , which loses bodily fluids and therefore less saliva in general.As it was previously regulated.The most important causes of tongue dryness Also, the site indicates that smoking usually increases the dry tongue, drinking from it. Alcohol is one of the most important factors that contribute to increasing the severity of dryness, and diabetes is a cause of oral dryness.In general, the causes and factors are multiple and the dryness of the Nug irritates the owner and has effects and the results are not good on the mouth in general.

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