Health and Care – Doctor Reveals Need for Sunscreen


A doctor reveals the need to develop sunscreen.

Dr. Nick Lowe, a dermatologist at the University of California, Los Angeles, "While a small proportion of people put on sunscreen whenever they are exposed to the sun, the vast majority of people s & # 39; "In fact, ignoring the damage they cause to their skin," he said.

"First and foremost, unlike what they are on vacation or not, people do not think that they need sunscreen, but if you have a top-notch skin they will start to burn, "said Lowy. Your skin is only ten minutes away from unprotected exposure to the sun. "

" You will see redness turning brown, but the long-term effects of unprotected sun exposure can greatly increase the risk of skin cancer, especially if you are at high risk. "For example, if you have ever had skin cancer, a strong family history, or a lot of moles and freckles. "

Studies suggest that the risk of skin cancer is closely related to intermittent exposure in the light of Intense sun (in other words, sit in a sunny garden on a hot weekend) rather than a chronic exposure to the sun (eg outdoors or live somewhere permanently sunny).

There are two types of skin cancer: melanoma, skin cancer, non-melanoma skin cancer, basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. Basal cells (which account for 75% of all skin cancers) will not spread or kill you – but if they are not treated, they will develop and become painful to the skin. The scarf cells are rarely widespread, but they are still able to spread, so they must be eliminated, which ultimately causes serious injury to skin cancer.

If the disease is detected early, there is a very good survival rate. Otherwise, it can spread quickly to other devices and survival rates will drop to 15-20%. Dr. Loei pointed out that the blue eye in particular is vulnerable to sun damage, so you should always wear sunglbades during the heatwave.

The period from sunburn to skin cancer typically ranges from 15 to 20 years, and a recent study found that skin cancer is the second most common cancer in children aged 15 to 34 years .

Another study showed that the number of cases of skin cancer is expected to increase by more than 40% to reach about 514,000 new cases each year in 2035, with a larger increase in the number of men than of women.

Professor Lowe continued, "However, melanoma affects anyone of any age, bad or skin type." "Even though fair-skinned people are more likely to develop and develop skin cancer, even people with dark skin and dark skin can too." Next, skin aging is accelerated by Exposure to the sun. You see it for ten years after exposure, not just the first wrinkles you need to look at, but also sagging skin, discoloration, and irregular pigmentation. "

How can you protect yourself?" Put on sunscreen early (thirty minutes before going out) and often (every two hours) with a sunscreen factor of at least 30, but higher than Ideal, do not forget the areas that can be easily forgotten, "says Professor Lowe.Should you often stand in the shade, avoid the midday sun, wear caps and protective clothing UV as much as possible.A four-inch woven hat reduces 70% UV exposure of the head and neck, and your eyes are not immune to the damage caused by the sun – especially the pale blue – so wear sunglbades

What is your skin type?

Skin type 1: red, blond hair, green or blue eyes, pale skin with freckles, burns very easily.

Skin type 2: medium blond, dark blond, brown or red hair, eyes are green, blue, gray and hazel e with pale skin. Burns easily.

Skin type 3: Brown or dark hair. Brown, blue, honey, green, gray eyes. Neutral skin color. Sometimes it burns.

Skin type 4: Brown hair. Brown eyes or hazelnut. The skin resists easily and rarely burns.

Skin type 5: dark brown to black hair. The eyes are brown. Darker skin does not burn easily and deeply.

Skin type 6: Black hair, dark brown. Dark skin color, rarely burns

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