"Health insurance": the development of hospitals in Port Said to ensure the establishment of the system


Cairo – A aa:

Published on:
Sunday, July 8, 2018 – 1:27
| Last update:
Sunday, July 8, 2018 – 1:27

Dr. Suheir Abdul Hamid, president of the Health Insurance Authority, said that he would work to implement the responsibilities of President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi to speed up the establishment of the new health insurance system in Port Said. She pointed out that the new health insurance services will be carried out electronically, which will eliminate the waiting lists, especially that the project was launched linking university hospitals in hospitals the Ministry of Health; Reduce waiting lists for treatment of patients.

She explained that the oncology and C-virus services would be expanded in line with President Cissy's efforts to eliminate the C virus by 2020 and provide all treatments and medications to oncologists. The head of the Health Insurance Authority, said that it is necessary to activate all means of monitoring and monitoring of all comprehensive health insurance facilities for s & amp; To ensure that the patient's right is maintained. The Egyptian New Health Insurance Law is one of the most important laws that serve the health of the Egyptian citizen, who ordered the President of Sisi to launch his first phase in several stages and preliminary procedures to intervals and a precise timetable.

The development of model hospitals, the supply of strategic stocks of milk and vaccines, the completion of the HCV elimination project and the treatment and mechanization of the Port Said Governorate for the implementation of the new law

. Wa Suez, Ismailia and Sinai North and South.

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