Hiba Magdy celebrates her birthday and it's her husband's surprise

July 30, 2018
Hiba Magdy celebrates his birthday and his fans surprise his singer Mohamed Mohsen. Al-Fakharani and his girlfriend, the actress Mai Kbadab, to participate in the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the celebration.

Heba Magdy and her husband Mohammed Mohsen link a strong relationship with star Yahya El Fakhrani, where they met through the big star of "Night of the Thousand Nights" The National Theater, and grew up between them a story of Love crowned with marriage, and witnessed Fakhrani
The last work of Heba Magdy was the series "Hidden Worlds" with the leader Adel Imam, who was shown last Ramadan, and was starring Fathi Abdel Wahab , Salah Abdullah Boshra, Ahmed Wafik, Rania Farid Shawqi, Mei Selim, Khaled Anwar,
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