Home Art and Culture Owner of "ltc" on the threat of President Zamalek to her: "relaxed, but did not fulfill his wishes"


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The head of the board of directors of the satellite channel "ltc" Samira al-Deghaidi revealed to have received a "threat from the councilor Mortada Mansour" to the will of the latter to stop the. Media show Abdel Nbader Zeidan, airing on the channel, "I have received a number of threats to Lia and the people of my house to close the channel in a way that is not reasonable. "

During a phone call to the program "Saha Al-Noum", The chain, explaining: "I fainted a bit, it's a project in which I live 15 years, but after I said that I meant scary of the past

She pointed out that the production of the program of Abdel Nbader Zidan cost 3 million, while the production of the program Murtada Mansour cost 6 million,

Deghidi addressed a letter to state officials, saying, "If the ltc channel is closed, we will have a state in the state, because Mortada Mansour will be above the law .

A letter was sent to Abdel Nbader Zidan, in which she said that "the chain will not be a place to settle accounts."

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