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The Egyptian artist Shirin Abdel Wahab intervenes with the Accused Department, although she apologizes and explains that she is a slip of the tongue, but she keeps repeating the same pages, the latest being the result of the filing of a complaint to the Attorney General.

Samir Sabri, the lawyer, filed an urgent communication with the Attorney General against Sherine Abdel Wahab, accusing her of harbading Egypt, publishing false news and calling on suspicious organizations Human rights working against the country to interfere in Egyptian affairs after reviving a concert in Bahrain. My freedom was in Egypt, who speaks in prison. "

The recent "Shirin" badault was not the first of its kind, followed by a series of controversial statements, followed by the "homeland" as follows:


The artist Sherine Abdel Wahab, a storm of controversy around her after a mocked statement at the Nile at a party in Lebanon.

And a video of singer Sherine Abdel Wahab, in which she mocks the Nile at a party in Lebanon. In the video, Shirin responds to a girl who asked her to sing "Mashrabach from Neilha" to be chosen by Sherine "Hegelik Balaharsia". "He said.

Queen Rania

Sherine did not want the media to slip her tongue when Princess Rania spoke of Queen Rania, so she apologized for this unintentional mistake and held her age accountable. She joked, "We will not blame myself, I'm forty, let me save a special message to Queen Rania, and I'm sorry for the mistake."

Tunisia and parsley

Sherine revealed to the audience a conversation she had with her daughter, who had asked her where she would celebrate her concert. "My daughter asked me why she was with me?" Said Shirin.

This statement raised resentment of the Tunisian people, confirming Sherine Abdel Wahab, that she did not want to offend Tunisia and its inhabitants, adding that she intended to transfer the family atmosphere from her home to the public and not to Treika, conveying the image of the innocence of childhood.

She stressed the status of Tunisia, especially since she was pregnant with her daughter during her first visit. She also relaunched the first concert after maternity in Tunisia, pointing out that the study of her two daughters in English is so weak in Arabic, "If you talk like me, I will not let you talk."

Opera and "Alkoz"

In the presence of Shirin, the ceremony of a magazine was held at the Opera. During her singing on the stage, she said: "I feel rich in cuz, and Maestro Selim Sahab did not like to hear me say, girl of the dog", which provoked a great embarrbadment for him and aroused the resentment of the Egyptian Opera. .

Sherine and Amr Diab

In her interview with a magazine, Sherine asked about her presence at the concert of American singer Mariah Carey. "The concert is an event we should have attended." When the reporter asked him: "We do not find Amr Diab attending such concerts, but we are not Kanch Rahihn in Saad, but Di Maria Carrie, so our money and money thought Amr Diab."

Dina Ali Maher, head of the Etiquette Foundation, commented on this: "There are basic principles to treat and talk to others." Shirin did not cheat when she justified her mistake before s & # 39; excuse.

Maher said in a private statement in Al-Watan that a person could say everything that went through his head, but in a pleasant manner, without causing any insult to any person or legal person, such that a country, a factory, a newspaper or a chain.

The head of the Etiquette Foundation and her lifestyle revealed the simple steps that Shirin can follow to speak with tact. She identifies it in a targeted way. Think carefully before pronouncing a letter and imagine what she will say about her. And to stay away from what is negative, and also select the words used in the modern, and take into account the method and style of dumping, as this forms the structure of the modern, in addition to the reserve in the speech and try to make it permanent, and then practice it with intensive practice.

In the same context, said Maggie Hakim, Etiquette expert, that Shirin made a mistake and used a style that is not suitable for a female artist worthy of the Arab world, even if she said spontaneously and that She must also show restraint and sense of words and make the difference between grandfather and joke Followed by millions and etiquette, it is imperative to stand out from the prejudices and prejudices in what he says.

Al-Hakim told Al-Watan that there are training courses in tact and etiquette, and that anyone in a crisis of tact should be part of it and benefit from it, especially if a personality such as Sherine, whose working conditions incited him to speak, The public

"These are experienced artists who have lived and Mato Mahdash has heard from them.They do not need to talk because they have a place to talk and you need to know that. There is a problem: Either you learn the tact, but refrain from talking and giving up, but.

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