
Ahmed Hbadan and Zeinab
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Recently, the famous "YouTuber" Ahmed Hbadan and his wife Zainab, a wave of outrage and anger among a number of pioneers of social networks, have released videos of their crying baby.
Earlier this month, Ms. Azza Ashmawi, Secretary General of the National Council of Childhood and Maternity, announced that the Council had submitted a report to the Attorney General, reporting an incident of abuse and endangering a girl, via the publication of videos on the social networks "Facebook" and "YouTube".
In the first communication with the Attorney General, Al-Ashmawi explained that the Council had received several reports and complaints about the mistreatment of a newborn girl, calling the line of badistance to children 16000 and on the social networking pages of the Council.
Al-Ashmawi said the couple had exploited her newborn daughter, where he had filmed videos of her crying, and other videos where they had beaten her, in order to get the rates highest viewing on social networking sites, which angered the pioneers of social media and pushed them to connect to the online help Take action to save the little girl.
Later, Hbadan revealed his monthly income, taken from his YouTube videos, of about $ 30,000 a month, or about half a million pounds.
Despite the sensation and attack of the pioneers of social media, Ahmed Hbadan and Zeinab were not content with what we had already published: they released a new video of their child, Eileen, without worrying penalties that may result after the presentation of the communication. The video brings his wife and daughter to the health office to receive their daughter's birth certificate, expressing their happiness.
After a wave of discontent among lawyers and social media enthusiasts, the couple decided to leave Egypt to travel to Dubai.
Ahmed Hbadan, via his official Instagram account, has published photos of the property, "Astori", with his wife Zainab inside the airport, and then pictures of these in there. airplane eating food, as well as photos of the moment of their arrival in the United Arab Emirates and pointed to the "Khalifa" tower: We are out of Egypt and we have arrived in Dubai, "he said.
A new incident occurred yesterday, when Ahmed Hbadan and his wife Zainab released a new video during their trip to Dubai, where they appear together in a pool. The video on his official YouTube channel was named the first time we went down together. Romantic Moments ", which again exposed them to the pioneering attack of social media, especially after Ahmed Hbadan printed a" kiss "on Zainab's lips at al-Busain.
After the wave of attacks, "Hbadan" announced today at dawn, with his wife Zainab, the publication of a video of their final retirement platform "Social Media ", as well as their intention to stop the publication of videos, as a result of the violent attack that they have suffered recently.
He said "Hbadan" during the pbadage: "Our psychological situation has remained difficult in the face of criticism, and we run away, we will not have videos and no other images", he said. added. Zeinab: "The videos you criticize are the ones you asked for, and we were doing what made it easier because you are our family."
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