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The Ministry of Health and Population has updated the schedule of mandatory immunizations for children after the addition of a new polio vaccination, which will be administered by injection in addition to the oral vaccination, from mid-July. One copy contains 16 vaccines designed to protect children from 10 dangerous infectious diseases, whose children are born until the age of one and a half years.

According to the schedule, children are vaccinated seven times, at the age of two months, then 4 months, then 6 months, followed by vaccination at the age of 9 months, and then j. I have one year, and finally The Expanded Immunization Program of the Central Department of Preventive Affairs of the Ministry of Health confirmed that the child should receive a dose of vaccine against hepatitis B during the first 24 hours of birth, in half a centimeter. [2] In the right thigh, two points of vaccination against Sabine-type poliomyelitis after birth, and vaccination with BCG against tuberculosis or tuberculosis in the left shoulder.

The new schedule includes the child feeding Two months of polio and pentavirus against diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus, hepatitis B and hepatitis B, which take the right muscle of the thigh at half a centimeter.

At 4 months, the child receives the old and new polio vaccine, one in the mouth and the other in the mouth. The left thigh with half a centimeter, the five-year bait, the six-month polio vaccine, the five-year vaccine, the 9-month oral polio vaccine, the five-year oral polio vaccine, the measles immunization , Mumps and rubella, and at the age of 18 months, the active dose for vaccination against polio Children, measles, rubella, mumps and triple bacterial vaccination.

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