Home Country The Prime Minister testifies to the signing of the water supply system of Bahr Al-Bakr Bank


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The Minister of Housing, Utilities and Urban Communities, Mustafa Madbouli, today witnessed the signing of an agreement between the Ministry of Investment and International Cooperation and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Kuwait Economic Development Fund to support the Bahr Al-Bakr hydraulic system installation project.

The Minister of Investment and International Cooperation, Dr. Sahar Nasr, and Mr. Abdulwahab Al Bader, Director General of the Kuwait Fund for Economic Development, attended the Memorandum of Understanding in the presence from the engineer Randa Al-Menshawi. He confirmed Dr. Mustafa Madbouli, Prime Minister, said that the project was part of the implementation by the government of the directives of President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi to support the development project of the peninsula Sinai, a priority of the Ministry of Housing, Public Services and Urban Communities. The Minister of Investment and International Cooperation pointed out that the project aims to strengthen the management system of available water resources, to optimize their use and to reduce waste in order to use them to increase agricultural land. Egypt and the Sinai Peninsula in particular. Sahar Nasr said the project is one of the most important projects that will have positive impacts on the environment, which will result in an increase of about 1.8 billion cubic meters of water. treated water per year for agricultural upgrading, increasing the cultivated area and improving the environmental quality of Lake Manzala. The Minister pointed out that this signature is registered today in the framework of the financing plan of the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development and the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development, The Contribution of Arab Funds to Financing The project is about 70 million Kuwaiti dinars.

For its part, the engineer Randa Al-Menshawi, Deputy Minister of Housing for Utilities, said the project includes the construction of a water treatment plant. And the cultivation of about 330 thousand feddans east of the Suez Cbad in addition to 70 thousand feddans is currently cultivated in the Plain Plain and East Qantara regions to total 400 thousand acres of cultivated land, in addition to the implementation of integrated agricultural development projects. "The project helps create opportunities The Ministry of Water Resources, the Ministry of Water Resources, the Ministry of Water Resources, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Agriculture Agriculture, The Director General of the Kuwait Fund for Economic Development said the Fund hoped to strengthen cooperation with Egypt, especially in the implementation of development projects and services, the most important being the Sinai Development Project M projects at the service of the purpose of irrigation and agricultural development and the Fund is ready to provide support for any role in the development played by the Egyptian State

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