Home Governorates I had a high school "zero" .. Esra: I saw a cheating file and I found myself accused


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Esraa Rida Abu El-Enein Al-Rifa 'Abdul Jawad, a native of Danabiq village, Center Mansoura, high school student, complained to the Minister of Education because she had been wronged by the decision of the Ministry of Education. In her complaint to the Minister, the student stated, "I have witnessed my colleague's deception minutes at the committee during the examination, and I found that the record became my name and accompanied by my answer in the article of Francis. "

On June 7, a colleague of the committee was cheating on a rivet, My colleague ran a barrage of insults to watch the most horrifying words. I looked to rip some of the papers that I cheated, and threw some of the net. The attendant then attended the role because of the loud sound. He confirmed that he would issue a cheat report for the student. As a witness to the incident, I initially refused to sign, but I insisted and confirmed that it was about a procedure routine. I hesitated then signed the minutes and I did not have any more investigation and we looked at the rest of the material. "

The father of my colleague came to our house after the examination of Francis, and asked me not to report my colleague after the zl If his sight cheat, and that he will act in the lawsuit that was done to him with his relations, and all his speech carries the threat to me, and continued my colleague to cheat the rest of the material without the publication of any of the minutes. "J & # I was surprised by the result by blocking my results, I went the next day out of control, I found out that the file was in my name, I went to the Administrative Prosecution and I found out about it. found an investigation file on my behalf. "

A fraud record for my colleague, but the file that signed it does not exist, we called Monday" Isra ", and all the insults to

Israa Zakaria and Asma Youssef, students in the same committee, confirmed to al-Watan: The other student was the one who took her She was deceived, and the signature of "Isra" on the cheating file was before the whole committee as a witness, not as an accuser, she is the first student and lives hard and refuses to cheat. "

Reza Abu al-Anin, father of Israel, Minister of Education to open an investigation.Students and observers of the committee that day, and their confrontations with his daughter, which causes the loss of his future because of the SPA The father of the other student, and their revenge on my daughter, who wished to join the Faculty of Pharmacy, and her scientific potential, was superior since he entered in the secondary stage and obtained groups of more than 95% in the transport

.Reza Hijazi, the head of the public education sector, ordered an investigation into the complaint of the guardian of the After the tutor has filed an official complaint with the ministry.The results of the investigations will be announced at the end.


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