Honor the media figures at the first meeting of the Arab Association for Cancer Control


Written by Shadi Tantawi

Published on:
Monday, July 23, 2018 – 15:04
| Last update:
Monday, July 23, 2018 – 15:04

The Arab League for Cancer Control, under the patronage of the League of Arab States, honored a number of prominent Egyptian media personalities as well as a series of prominent programs in Egypt and the Arab world during the inauguration ceremony. "The Week" on the channel "Dream", the media Mohammed Abdo and Asma Kandil of the show "Sabah On", which was directed by the publisher of media Rosemary Mankrius

The satirical journalist Mohammed reporter Abdul Rahman, editor of the site, Its editor-in-chief is Shirin Fathi, and one of the advertisers Hisham Al-Assi, on his show "Sabah Al Masri" on "MBC" and "His Excellency" The award has was received by the press writer and the Sinister Mohamed Abdel Aziz

On the other hand, the Lebanese Breast Cancer Association, the Lebanese Society for Breast Cancer, the Society for Cancer Support, Friends of Cancer, Union of Arab Doctors, National Council of Women's Rights, Hope Society, Sidra Society, Bahia Hospital and Tunisian Cancer Society. "The first meeting of all the badociations for the fight against cancer, under the auspices of the League of Arab States, today organized the first meeting of Arab societies working in the field of cancer and participated in the conference. "The conference is expected to take place on the sidelines of the conference, the first meeting of the Association of Arab Societies working in the field of reduction and elimination of cancer, where Egypt adopts the launch of this idea of ​​the fight against cancer, according to the Arab interdependence Community of Arab Association logic for change and awareness to reduce the risk of cancer. "

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