Houthi leader says he is ready to hand over Hodeidah harbor on condition that coalition halts attack on city


  Houthi leader announces he is ready to hand over Hodeidah harbor on condition that coalition stops attacking city



Hodeidah Harbor

Huthi leader in Yemen, Abdul Malik al-Houthi, announced his willingness to hand over the Hodeidah port administration to the United Nations provided that the Saudi coalition halts its attacks against the city.

Al-Houthi accused some European countries of exploiting the war in Yemen, saying that the Houthis have not refused to withdraw from Hodeidah and hand over his administration to the United Nations. He added that France was making a mistake in supporting Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates in support of al-Qaeda and al Qaeda, adding that the French position was following the British in its negative attitude toward the Yemeni people and its contribution to aggression

. The Houthi leader in his dialogue with the French newspaper, that the Yemenis' demand is withdrawing from Sanaa or Hodeidah as if they were asking the French to withdraw from Paris.

Houthi comes after three years of fighting in Yemen, and months after the announcement of the Arab Alliance led by Saudi Arabia, his attack on Hodeidah to control his port. The control of Houthi forces in Sanaa has been cut by the Houthis who control this important seaport on the Red Sea since 2014, when they managed to remove government forces from Sanaa and other parts of the country. 1965,9005] Source: The Figaro

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