How do you feel about colds in the summer?


Screen News – Agencies – The cold weather is not only the winter, but can also occur during the summer.

Arnet Mullers, a German doctor of the ears, nose and throat, says that summer colds spread – like winter colds – by spray, cough, trembling hands and kisses.

The risk of a summer cold increases when traveling by plane due to the presence of many people in a confined space, and the air is cold and dry, resulting in limited blood flow in the mucous membranes .

The symptoms of the common cold coincide with the winter cold, especially runny nose, cough, fever, sore throat, ear, and often The director of the German Society of General Medicine and Family Medicine, the Professor Erica Baum, said that summer colds require – just like colds – a complete bed rest and plenty of fluids, taking into account that

To prevent colds Summer, Baum recommends that the immune system be strengthened by the proliferation of vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin C, especially sweet peppers, while adapting to outdoor activities.

It is also important to wash your hands regularly and avoid overcrowded places
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